The practical training
In both bachelor's and master's studies, you must complete practical training.
The practical training in bachelor's degree
General information
- The students are required to register the compulsory practical training course “Bi6502 On-site training I” in the sixth semester prior to the completion of the bachelor's degree but the course content will be consistently fulfilled throughout the entire duration of the bachelor's study program.
- A 6-week practical training (30 days) must be completed, including 1 week of on-site research in Přibice and 1 week of lab practice at the Department of Anthropology. Both of the above are mandatory.
- The remaining four weeks may be completed through internships related to anthropology at other workplaces.
- The laboratory practice may include both work in the laboratory and participation in ongoing research.
How do I register my practical training in the MU Information system?
Completing the internship will be credited to your studies through the course Bi6502 On-site training I, which you will enroll in the sixth semester of your studies.
When should I complete the compulsory practical training?
It is advisable to complete the practical training throughout the entire duration of the bachelor's study program, as it may be difficult to fulfill the requirements during the final semester.
How long is the practical training I need to complete?
You must complete a total of 6 weeks or 30 working days.
What must the practical training contain?
The practical training must include at least one week (5 days) of on-site research in Přibice. This research is conducted annually in August, and students may apply for it during May when they receive an invitation to do so.
In addition, the practical training has to include one week of laboratory practice at the Department of Anthropology. This may include assisting in the processing of skeletal material or data sets. It may also involve active participation in the departmental research. This practical training can be arranged with a member of the department's academic staff. Some current offers can also be found further down on this page.
The remaining twenty days of the practical training are at the student’s discretion.
What about the optional part of the practical training?
You may complete the 20 days of the practical training at your own discretion, preferably through relevant work experience outside our department. Previously, students have completed their practical training in places such as museum institutions, where they focused on archiving or documenting finds, or in health and social service settings where they worked with patients or clients. They have also interned in specialized workplaces related to anthropology, such as laboratories or institutes, and in non-profit organizations and charities. If you are not sure whether the practical training you have chosen will be recognized, it is advisable to consult with Mgr. Tomáš Mořkovský.
Contact the organizations yourself. When we know of an interest in temporary workers or interns, we post this information on the bulletin board in the entrance of Building Two or on our FB and Instagram accounts.
Likewise, you can fulfill the optional part of the practical training by continuing to participate in on-site research or by working in our labs. However, priority will be given to students completing their compulsory part of the practical training.
How and to whom do I have to prove my completed practical training in order to receive credit?
For practical training completed outside of the Department of Anthropology, make sure you obtain a certificate of completion signed by your internship supervisor. The certificate must include your name, the duration and number of hours completed, and a description of the internship.
To receive credit, send an e-mail Mgr. Tomáš Mořkovský, giving a general overview of your completed portions of the practical training and attaching all relevant certificates for internships outside the department.
Participation in the on-site research will be recorded directly by Mgr. Tomáš Mořkovský. Participation in laboratory practice and research at the department is recorded in the central system by the responsible academic staff member.
In short, the fulfillment of the compulsory practical training proceeds as follows.
Sign up for and participate in the on-site research in Přibice for at least five days at the end of your second or, better yet, fourth semester. During your studies, contact one of the academic staff and arrange for at least five mandatory laboratory days or participate in an equivalent number of research projects, preferably choosing from those listed below. In addition, arrange an anthropology-related internship outside our department. For internships outside of the department, always obtain a certificate from the internship supervisor. Upon completion of all internships, document completion with Mgr. Tomáš Mořkovský."
What to pay attention to?
First of all, make sure you have completed all the parts of the compulsory practical training before the final exams.
The practical training in master's degree
General information
- The students are required to register the compulsory practical training course “Bi8910 On-site training II” in the sixth semester prior to the completion of the master's degree but the course content will be consistently fulfilled throughout the entire duration of the master's study program.
- A 2-week practical training (10 days) must be completed, including either 1 week of on-site research in Přibice or 1 week of lab practice at the Department of Anthropology or a combination of both.
- The second week may be completed through internships related to anthropology at other workplaces.
- The laboratory practice may include both work in the laboratory and participation in ongoing research.
How do I register my practical training in the MU Information system?
Completing the internship will be credited to your studies through the course Bi8910 On-site training II, which you will enroll in the fourth semester of your studies.
When should I complete the compulsory practical training?
It is advisable to complete the practical training throughout the entire duration of the master's study program, as it may be difficult to fulfill the requirements during the final semester.
How long is the practical training I need to complete?
You must complete a total of 2 weeks or 10 working days.
What must the practical training contain?
The practical training must include at least one week (5 days) of on-site research in Přibice, laboratory practice or participation in research at the department, or a combination of these options. The on-site research is conducted annually in August, and students may apply for it during May when they receive an invitation to do so.
The laboratory practical training can be arranged with a member of the department's academic staff. Some current offers can also be found further down on this page. However, staff may not be able to process your request due to capacity constraints.
The remaining five days of the practical training are at the student’s discretion.
What about the optional part of the practical training?
You may complete the 5 days of the practical training at your own discretion, preferably through relevant work experience outside our department. Previously, students have completed their practical training in places such as museum institutions, where they focused on archiving or documenting finds, or in health and social service settings where they worked with patients or clients. They have also interned in specialized workplaces related to anthropology, such as laboratories or institutes, and in non-profit organizations and charities. If you are not sure whether the practical training you have chosen will be recognized, it is advisable to consult with Mgr. Tomáš Mořkovský.
Contact the organizations yourself. When we know of an interest in temporary workers or interns, we post this information on the bulletin board in the entrance of Building Two or on our FB and Instagram accounts.
Likewise, you can fulfill the optional part of the practical training by continuing to participate in on-site research or by working in our labs. However, priority will be given to students completing their compulsory part of the practical training.
How and to whom do I have to prove my completed practical training in order to receive credit?
For practical training completed outside of the Department of Anthropology, make sure you obtain a certificate of completion signed by your internship supervisor. The certificate must include your name, the duration and number of hours completed, and a description of the internship.
To receive credit, send an e-mail Mgr. Tomáš Mořkovský, giving a general overview of your completed portions of the practical training and attaching all relevant certificates for internships outside the department.
Participation in the on-site research will be recorded directly by Mgr. Tomáš Mořkovský. Participation in laboratory practice and research at the department is recorded in the central system by the responsible academic staff member.
In short, the fulfillment of the compulsory practical training proceeds as follows.
Sign up for and participate in the on-site research in Přibice for at least five days at the end of your second semester. Alternatively, you may spend five days (or part thereof) working with one of the academic staff members or you may participate in one of our research projects. Additionally, you may complete an anthropology-related internship outside of our department. For internships outside the department, be sure to obtain a certificate from the internship supervisor. Upon completion of all internships, document them with Mgr. Tomáš Mořkovský.
What to pay attention to?
First of all, make sure you have everything done before the final exams.
The ongoing researches at present
Research-actions: how to create and realise an academic project
Supervisor: Paride Bollettin, MSc., Ph.D.
Contact: Paride Bollettin
What does the practice involve?
The activity is focused on how to create, plan, realize and evaluate research projects. It is organized in multiple complementary activities such as: bibliographic research, academic reading and writing, fieldwork planning, funds searching, and others.
The activities will be realized in a collaborative and collective format, in the spirit of a working group. These will be organized in weekly meetings according with the schedule of the participants.
How to participate?
For participating, please contact Paride Bollettin:
Micro-Excavation and Analysis of Cremated Human Remains
Supervisor and contact: Kévin Alexis André Salesse, M.Sc., Ph.D.
What does the practice involve?
This research project aims at recording, micro-excavating, and analyzing cremated human remains from a cinerary urn dating from the Moravian Iron Age. The research will encompass photogrammetry, osteological analysis, and methods specific to the archaeology of cremation. The urn is housed at the Department of Anthropology at MUNI.
How to participate?
For participating, please contact Dr. Kévin Salesse:
Sampling human remains for isotope analysis
Supervisor and contact: Kévin Alexis André Salesse, M.Sc., Ph.D.
What does the practice involve?
The student's duties will encompass the preparation of archaeological human samples, including tasks such as cleaning, drilling, crushing, and conditioning. These processed samples will later undergo isotopic analysis (C, N, S, O, Sr) as part of projects overseen by Dr. Kévin Salesse. Following initial training during the first few days, the student will operate independently in the grinding room of the building B8.
How to participate?
For participating, please contact Dr. Kévin Salesse:
Collecting isotope data from archaeological samples in Belgium
Supervisor and contact: Kévin Alexis André Salesse, M.Sc., Ph.D.
What does the practice involve?
The student's task involves aggregating isotopic data from published sources related to archaeological samples in Belgium. The exact extent of the compilation work will be determined in consultation with the supervisor, taking into account the number of identified publications. The student will compile the data from the selected sources into a standardized IsoArcH format.
How to participate?
For participating, please contact Dr. Kévin Salesse: